Rewind ten years, hundreds of projects, thousands of sketches and a few millions in turnover, DAAA Haus today still shares the same energy and spirit it had back in October 2009. Back then when everything was small and exciting the agency main objective was to secure enough good projects so slowly we would build up a portfolio of TROPHIES. Trophies for us at DAAA does not mean the literal word for that object given during award ceremonies, but the delivery of completed project, a happy client, but above all seeing end users enjoying and living the space.
Today DAAA HAUS is a brand that best describes a group of over 30 professionals sharing similar interests, thoughts and ideas. For us at DAAA it’s a lifestyle. Anything around us is about design. Design is a powerful way of life, it’s an EMOTION. In my 20 years in business I have learnt to trust emotions.
By touching emotion you get the best people to work with you, the best clients to inspire you, the best partners, and the most devoted contractors. People everywhere are wanting to embrace emotion.
Senior Architect / Partner DAAA Italia
Senior Architect / Partner DAAA Italia
Senior Architect / Partner DAAA Italia
Lead Architect / Partner DAAA Malta
Senior Interior Architect / Partner DAAA Malta
Interior Deisgner / Manager DAAA Milan
Interior Designer DAAA Mumbai
Senior Interior Designer / Studio Manager DAAA Malta
Senior Furniture / Interior Designer
Interior Designer
Interior Designer
Interior Designer
Interior Designer
Interior Designer
Interior Designer
Architect / Civil Structural Engineer
Senior Architect
Senior Architect
Junior Architect
Interior Designer
Senior Business Development & Executive Assistant
Accounts Manager
Office Manager / Administration Assistant
Arts Curator/Consultant
Branding & Campaign Specialist
Senior Creative Designer
Senior Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer / Motion Graphics
Graphic Designer
Senior Web / Digital Designer
Social Media Design Executive
Creative Designer / Social Media Manager