We have great visions.
There are at least as many definitions of architecture as there are architects. While some embrace it as art, others defend architecture’s seminal social responsibility as its most definitive attribute. To begin a sentence with “Architecture is…” a bold step into treacherous territory. For us at DAAA Haus Architecture is a romantic profession that can create the aspiration for a better society. Architecture for us is an honourable creative profession that evolve with time mankind history.
Its common for historians to categorize eras into architectural eras. Periods and styles flow together, sometimes merging contradictory ideas, sometimes inventing new approaches, and often re-awakening and re- inventing older movements. DAAA Haus approach to architecture is all this but also is the art of transform built up environments into experiences that transmit an emotion, a feeling, an experience with a story, be it a house for a brand or personal use.